Welcome to The Age of Awakening. Humanity is heading for a major shift in consciousness. It is time for us to awaken from our fear-induced coma and take our place in the Universe, whatever that may be. This blog is to help lift the veil and encourage you to seek and find Your truth.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Death of the Ego

The Ego is dying. It is sitting in the corner of the room scared and sobbing. It does not understand why "I am doing this to it." "What's going to happen to me?" it sobs. "Where am I going to go? Am I going to cease to exist?" it asks.

"Yes" I reply.

Ego panics and becomes enraged. "How can you do this to me?" it screams. "You will be nothing without me!" it insists.

But I know differently. Once the ego is gone , the fear will be gone. The pain and suffering will be gone. This, I feel, may be the path to enlightenment, transcendence, a shift in consciousness or another major leap in human evolution.

I have felt, for quite sometime now, that the ego is dying on this planet, or at the very least being altered.

Those who are heavily invested in the ego are going to find the next few years as a time of great confusion, insanity, chaos and terror. Some will call it "the apocalypse" or "Armageddon." Millions, or possibly billions, will drop to their knees and pray to as many gods and beg to be spared. The great leaders will demand respect and try, with great force, to stop the coming flood, to no avail.

Are you ready? Then do it now! Awaken and begin the shift!

Death to the ego! The shift is coming! Long live the Light!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would call being at one, a total calmness of the mind and its variable power,determinants and effects but all that said am in agreement with your view but the power of suggestion can not be over emphasised in the process of awakening or consciousness and once the process is started it can only progress but in stages based on the mind set or not of any particular person...it goes on and on but thats that for now..... G Godson